Recent content by BoSA

Soapmaking Forum

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  1. BoSA

    grapeseed oil

    How do you determine hardness, cleansing, conditioning, bubbly, creamy, INS? And what is INS? Thanks.
  2. BoSA

    Newbie with TONS of questions

    I really appreciate the advice you guys are sharing. Thanks!
  3. BoSA

    CPOP: Cold Process Oven Process

    I tried geling my soap with a heating pad and towel but I only got partial gel. Can I restart the gel phase 3 days later?
  4. BoSA

    Newbie with TONS of questions

    I always check to make sure it is 100% pure. I found some unroasted sesame oil the other day, golden instead of brown. Expensive but cheaper than online sources. Thanks for the appreciated feedback. I'm going to check out that link right now. How do I prevent a white, dust like coating on my...
  5. BoSA

    Newbie with TONS of questions

    I'm not sure how to start a thread, but I have a question. The local pharmacy sells castor oil very cheap, but fancy brands are much more expensive, I only use max 5% castor oil. Can I use the cheap no name stuff? And can I buy my oils from the grocery aisle?
  6. BoSA

    Nova Scotia Newbie

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I have watched lots of videos but am still left with questions.
  7. BoSA

    Newbie with TONS of questions

    Ahhhh, gotcha!! Thanks Rsap
  8. BoSA

    Newbie with TONS of questions

    What does DOS stand for?
  9. BoSA

    Nova Scotia Newbie

    Thank you Relle!
  10. BoSA

    Nova Scotia Newbie

    Hi! My name is Nathan and I have recently started trying to make soap. Started with melt and pours, and have moved on to cold process. Eek!! Not going good. Looking forward to learning lots.