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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. B

    CP soap thickening (mashed potatoes consistency) immediately

    Do you think something like 20% or 30% stearic acid would still lead to instant trace? Or are you suggesting that I just have a mix of tallow + butters/fats instead?
  2. B

    CP soap thickening (mashed potatoes consistency) immediately

    My apologies, I meant 75C!
  3. B

    CP soap thickening (mashed potatoes consistency) immediately

    Hello all, I am running into an issue with a shave soap formula i have been working on: 50% Stearic acid 20% Beef tallow 10% Kokum Butter 10% Shea Butter 5% Coconut Oil 5% Castor Oil 60% KOH 40% NaOH Water (tap) 38% of oils I melt the oils/butter completely (about 75C) and then let cooll...
  4. B

    Transparent shave soap

    I essentially want my shave soap to have a glossy/glaze finish like a mirror cake, which is why I wanted to a pour a thin layer of a transparent shave soap to achieve that look. Any ideas on additives or finishing touches I could do to achieve that?
  5. B

    Transparent shave soap

    I would like to make a transparent shave soap and was wondering if anyone had any experience. I am not 100% on how exactly transparent soaps are made, but they seem glycerin. Would a 60% stearic acid, 20% beef tallow, and 20% glycerin formula work to create a transparent soap? Any help would be...
  6. B

    Can you use chocolate transfer paper on soap?

    Correct, I would add the transfer paper after the soap has hardened and it would just be a little bit of text. Water soluble paper does not give the soap the aesthetic I am interested in, which is why I was wondering if this would work (or if there are any other alternatives)
  7. B

    Can you use chocolate transfer paper on soap?

    I want to write text on my soap and water soluble paper would not give my soap the aesthetic I am looking for (because the paper is too obvious). I was thinking about using chocolate transfer paper. I am not concerned about the cocoa butter in the transfer sheet, but the "ink" is made of FDA...