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  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to Nonnie's post in the thread Salvaging ugly soap with Like Like.
    I salvaged a few more bits from the ugly round soap by placing them into cavity molds and pouring over them. At least I didn't waste it!
  • akseattle
    "... it gets quite thick when I mix the room temp liquid oils with the melted tallow, lard, cocoa butter & coconut oil..." It's very...
  • akseattle
    I usually let the FO guide me. Today I made a soap using golden Pear and White Rose FO, so I coloured the main part of the batch with...
  • akseattle
    @dmcgee5034 , oh wow, don't tempt me! I have so much base right now, I need to exercise restraint. I bought a bunch of "sweat free"...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to KiwiMoose's post in the thread My first soap recipe with Like Like.
    The water as a percent of oil weight is a default setting on soap calc because it is used for hot processed soap, which requires more...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to AliOop's post in the thread My first soap recipe with Like Like.
    I can appreciate not wanting to confuse someone with changing a default setting. :) However, it's one of those issues that I find...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to Babyshoes's post in the thread Recipe sanity check please! with Like Like.
    Thanks both! 😁 Yep, that sounds about right! These answers give me the confidence to go ahead with my test batch, hopefully later...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to Ekuzo's post in the thread Recipe sanity check please! with Like Like.
    Looks like a decent recipe to me. I recently made soap with 48% lard and haven't tested it yet, but I don't expect it to be very...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to Mobjack Bay's post in the thread Recipe sanity check please! with Like Like.
    If you’re aiming for a firm, mild bar that produces a creamy leaning lather, that’s what this recipe should produce. The linoleic at 11%...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to ScentimentallyYours's post in the thread My first soap recipe with Like Like.
    I get confused by “water as % of oils” because plain water does nothing to saponify the oils. The % water weight is determined by the...
  • akseattle
    akseattle replied to the thread My first soap recipe.
    @AliOop , I agree with you that setting the lye concentration is preferable to setting water as percentage of oils. But, the lye...
  • akseattle
    akseattle replied to the thread A New Member.
    @DW2088 , is your soap STICKY or is it just SOFT? To me, I don't see anything weird about your recipe that would cause stickiness...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to MrsZ's post in the thread A New Member with Like Like.
    Would you mind sharing your full recipe and technique? That would help everyone to get a good idea of what happened. :)
  • akseattle
    akseattle replied to the thread Soap.
    @Hussain , as @Relle said, please post the recipe you used. So, let us know each oil and the percentage or amount of the oil used-...
  • akseattle
    akseattle replied to the thread My first soap recipe.
    @coolgoatz , welcome! below is your recipe run through soapcalc. (soapcalc.net) I left it at the default for water as % of oil...
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