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  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to melinda48's post in the thread For Fun with Like Like.
    I am the Rainbow Imp of Justice! (Distract and then wham! Justice is delivered.) Hmmm…..maybe I could be a super hero🤣🤣🤣
  • akseattle
    akseattle replied to the thread Blending Fragrance Oils.
    @lucycat , what I've done up to now is as follows: If IFRA is 4%, I put in 4%, then I add 2% of anything else that has IFRA of 6% or...
  • akseattle
    Try steaming the bars. If you don’t have a steamer, you might get away with a burst of steam from an iron.
  • akseattle
    akseattle replied to the thread For Fun.
    @artemis, I had my chart done many, many moons ago when I was in college. At the time, it seemed really important to know where my sun...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to paradisi's post in the thread Blending Fragrance Oils with Like Like.
    You need to find the chemical that's responsible for the limits. Generally speaking nowdays the EU allergen sheet and/or SDS will show...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to Saponificarian's post in the thread Blending Fragrance Oils with Like Like.
    The EU allergen sheet is your best bet, and I calculate it as @paradisi suggested above, which is how I make my FO/FO and EO/FO blend...
  • akseattle
    akseattle replied to the thread Blending Fragrance Oils.
    @paradisi and @Saponificarian , " EU allergen sheet and/or SDS will show the aromachems" that sounds greek to me and very complicated...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to AliOop's post in the thread Blending Fragrance Oils with Like Like.
    That's the concern I'd have, as well. Not sure how to resolve it.
  • akseattle
    I do a tiny bit different, I use 10g of oil to mix my micas. If I have 3 colors I deduct 30g from my sunflower oil which is in my recipe...
  • akseattle
    akseattle replied to the thread Blending Fragrance Oils.
    @cappykat , I have blended some fragrance oils where one had a low IFRA- like 3.42% , and I added an FO with a higher IFRA, like13%...
  • akseattle
    akseattle replied to the thread For Fun.
    I believe I am Glitter Undine of the Astral Plane. Except for glitter, I had to look up the other two words to see what in the heck...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to amd's post in the thread Ricing, is now all lost? with Haha Haha.
    I had a batch rice on me last week, after messing with it for an hour I finally gave up and mashed it back into the mold. I unmolded it...
  • akseattle
    akseattle replied to the thread Tryna be decorative.
    Very interesting. I think I'll stick to the old microwave method...
  • akseattle
    akseattle reacted to Nonnie's post in the thread Tryna be decorative with Like Like.
    The flowers/ bees/ honeycomb. The indented section of the mold that made the designs. It is m&p. The purple is cp.
  • akseattle
    akseattle replied to the thread Tryna be decorative.
    @EricDavis , I'm not sure I understand the heat gun thing. Do you microwave your base and THEN use a heat gun? Or do you use only a...