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      LiminalVeil replied to the thread Cream liquid hand soap.
      I don’t think this will have the result you want. That would be a lot of unsaponified oil. It’s doubtful that it would sud. The coconut...
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      LiminalVeil reacted to AliOop's post in the thread Cream liquid hand soap with Like Like.
      Fractionated coconut oil in soap is even more stripping to the skin than regular coconut oil. So no, I wouldn’t use it for liquid soap...
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      LiminalVeil replied to the thread Cream liquid hand soap. Here’s the thread. This recipe has a lot of...
      • IMG_8540.jpeg
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      LiminalVeil replied to the thread Cream liquid hand soap.
      @IrishLass has a legendary cream soap recipe somewhere on this forum. But it may prove to be difficult to execute without a strong...
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