Soapmaking Forum

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      SRNJJJV replied to the thread Indigo powder.
      I typically just wrap my soap with a towel because I have been struggling with soda ash. The temperature of my oils was 108 degrees and...
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      SRNJJJV replied to the thread Indigo powder.
      Your soaps are very beautiful! This was my first time using indigo and it was a bit intimidating. I have read that some add the indigo...
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      SRNJJJV replied to the thread Indigo powder.
      Thank you! Yes I added FO to my soap, but the company I purchased it from said in their test notes that there was no acceleration or...
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      Hello, So I made a new batch of soap using indigo powder. It was just as an experiment to see if I could accomplish a blue hue, but as...
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