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    • ADQKD5
      ADQKD5 reacted to dmcgee5034's post in the thread Soap on a stick! with Like Like.
      I’m sure @Mobjack Bay will clarify, but I’m sure she still uses a calculator, just not the one she referenced that is in the video. 😊
    • ADQKD5
      ADQKD5 reacted to dmcgee5034's post in the thread Soap on a stick! with Like Like.
      I used the BB calc when I started. It’s really simple and easy.
    • ADQKD5
      ADQKD5 reacted to Ekuzo's post in the thread Soap on a stick! with Haha Haha.
      Imagine my disappointment when I was promised soap on a stick and when I take a look - it's already inside the mold. That's not fair 🤣🤣🤣...
    • ADQKD5
      ADQKD5 replied to the thread Soap on a stick!.
      Thank you so much for this! I hope to one day be on your level and not even need a calculator 🤞🥰. Fractions percentages and decimals...
    • ADQKD5
      ADQKD5 reacted to Mobjack Bay's post in the thread Soap on a stick! with Love Love.
      I can still recall how confusing the soap calcul@tor seemed at the beginning, but you can get past that stage with a little guidance and...
    • ADQKD5
      ADQKD5 replied to the thread Soap on a stick!.
      Thank you 😊
    • ADQKD5
      ADQKD5 reacted to lsg's post in the thread Soap on a stick! with Like Like.
    • ADQKD5
      ADQKD5 reacted to A-Polly's post in the thread Soap on a stick! with Like Like.
      👏👏👏 Congrats — on both your first batch and also on recognizing an issue! I'll bet it will look fine when you cut it. BTW, there are a...
    • ADQKD5
      ADQKD5 replied to the thread Soap on a stick!.
      Thank you so much! And thank you so much for the article I’m about to go indulge myself in it before I take another attempt at making a...
    • ADQKD5
      Hello all!!! I’m not technically new here, but this is my first time posting! 🤣🤣 I’ve been lurking in all the post trying to absorb as...
      • IMG_5007.jpeg
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