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      Welcome to the forum, Harg!! I agree with akseattle, the only way to get the soap to cure faster is using less water, or a stronger lye...
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      missbipbip replied to the thread Tussah silk.
      I got mine on Amazon. Shepherd Textiles Tussah Silk... It has lasted...
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      missbipbip replied to the thread goat milk powder.
      I love it!! You are a hoot!! That sounds just like something I would say. Thanks for making me smile. And one day, you never know, those...
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      missbipbip replied to the thread Shipping.
      I use for my shipping. The rates are better than the post office. As far as melting, I have not had any customers complain...
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      missbipbip replied to the thread Tussah silk.
      I add it to my soaps that are not vegan. I think it gives a silkier feel to the lather, but to be honest, I don't know if it makes...
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      missbipbip replied to the thread Ack! Kerblewy!.
      Yes, I have never loved a shower as much as I do since I started making soap. It is wonderful and amazing, and sometimes I lather more...
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      missbipbip replied to the thread Rebatch or Wait?.
      I am with Scentimentally....I would throw it right in a crock pot and hot process it, especially if you know it was too much water. Yes...
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      I use English Bathhouse for my Milk & Butter bombs and Milk Bath. The fragrance is perfect!! It is a perfect amount of light floral with...
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      missbipbip replied to the thread Soap discoloration.
      I can attest to the Caribbean Blue from Brambleberry being green. I love the color, but it is definitely green if you don't use enough...
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