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    • B
      BDab replied to the thread Slipcover....
      I understand about your knees. I'm setting up a crafting/sewing room and thought about using a large spare coffee table for cutting...
    • B
      BDab replied to the thread Slipcover....
      It looks so great!!! Looks like it fits perfectly! Quite the accomplishment already! Thanks for posting your progress! Please keep...
    • B
      BDab replied to the thread Slipcover....
      Thank you for letting me know! I’ll check it out!
    • B
      BDab replied to the thread Slipcover....
      I’m impressed that you’re taking on such a big project! It looks great already…like a professional is working on it. 🙂 I have two chairs...
    • B
      BDab replied to the thread Wood grain soap.
      That’s so impressive!
    • B
      BDab replied to the thread First soap with salt and clay.
      I agree with all of the above. All your additives made for a hard soap. The crumbles on your table are probably a result of that. The...
    • B
      BDab replied to the thread How does this look???.
      I agree with Shelly D.....a small amount (about pea size) shea butter rubbed in when your hands are still slightly damp from washing can...
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