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    • Spudzel
      Spudzel replied to the thread Bar size consistency.
      Thank you!
    • Spudzel
      Spudzel replied to the thread Bar size consistency.
      Yes, that was my question. I was resizing, based on volume but then realized the changes due to milks, etc. So thought a closer way to...
    • Spudzel
      Spudzel replied to the thread Bar size consistency.
      Thank you! So my thoughts were....the colors wouldn't add much size at all, the water would evaporate, maybe not at the same rate, and...
    • Spudzel
      If I were to resize all my recipes based on oil weights, would that give me a consistent bar size among different recipes? Not exact...
    • Spudzel
      Spudzel replied to the thread Citric Acid Calculation?.
      I weigh everything in ounces so I converted the oil weight to grams then calculate the amounts and then bring it back to ounces. But I...
    • Spudzel
      I'm trying to figure how much Citric Acid to add to my recipe on a routine basis so I'm setting me up a calculator so it will be easy...
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