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      lucycat replied to the thread Blending Fragrance Oils.
      I guess I wasn't clear enough. What if you made one soap with FO1 and used 21 oz of oils. This soap with a low IFRA rate you...
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      lucycat replied to the thread Blending Fragrance Oils.
      You are correct; you calculated your fragrance based on IFRA on the total oils and then added a second fragrance oil without considering...
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      lucycat replied to the thread Blending Fragrance Oils.
      Another way is to pretend you are making 2 soaps each with 21 oz oils. Calculate the FO for each 21 oz "batch" according to IFRA &/or...
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      lucycat replied to the thread We went to Buff City.
      I have also been and overall thought it was fine. One of my customers used their soap and didn't care for it. I thought their prices...
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      lucycat replied to the thread Black Friday at Soapers Choice!.
      I also set an alarm and ordered about 1am. I have been ordering from Soaper's Choice since 2005 and don't remember them ever having a...
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      lucycat replied to the thread Why are corners softer ?.
      I gel my soap but some, especially my main mint soap has a hard time gelling in the corners. The temperature within the mold is higher...
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      It's hard to forget the fragrance if you start putting the bottle in the mold during prep.
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