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      Susie replied to the thread Eczema..
      I started making soap because I had eczema. I learned it is what I leave out, rather than what I put in. Start simple, with one or two...
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      Susie reacted to KiwiMoose's post in the thread Eczema. with Love Love.
      Often you find that it is not what you put in handmade soap that makes the soap better, but what you leave out. I would suggest you try...
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      Susie reacted to AliOop's post in the thread Eczema. with Like Like.
      Making soap (and all other kinds of products) for our family has been a game-changer for us. My husband has both psoriasis and eczema...
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      Susie reacted to paradisi's post in the thread Eczema. with Like Like.
      The two products are completely different. I have eczema, rosacea and other skin issues, but I would never suggest I had the product...
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      Susie reacted to lsg's post in the thread A couple of beginner questions with Like Like.
      You can use olive oil in combination with coconut oil and palm oil to make a great soap that will not need as long a cure. Look for 100%...
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      Susie reacted to AliOop's post in the thread Frankincense and Sandalwood with Like Like.
      That's very interesting that it smells sweet. Is it just sandalwood, or does it have other scents mixed in? Zing is correct about...
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      Susie reacted to Zing's post in the thread Frankincense and Sandalwood with Like Like.
      I use essential oils and buy frankincense at a reasonable price. On the other hand, sandalwood is way outta my budget. When I win the...
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      Susie reacted to AliOop's post in the thread Frankincense and Sandalwood with Like Like.
      Are you (or they) open to using FOs instead of EOs? Here is a five-star rated FO from WSP that has both of those scents (plus a few...
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      Susie replied to the thread Splashes and Cleanup.
      Your lye water container is fine just being washed like dishes (I use soap in mine, but it is really your choice). No need to use...
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