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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. McLasz

    WSP prices went through the roof!

    It seems as though a few things have changed since Debbie sold 1/2 of the company.
  2. McLasz

    Recipe Question...

    Thank you all for your thoughtful responses- I truly appreciate your sharing your experiences with me- It's a constantly evolving effort.
  3. McLasz

    Recipe Question...

    Hi and thank you for sharing your experience! Dropping the castor oil made a big difference for you? In what way? Curious. QUOTE="HowieRoll, post: 770063, member: 21015"]Your first recipe is similar to one I often use, which is: 30% olive oil 25% beef tallow 20-25% coconut oil 10-15% HO...
  4. McLasz

    Recipe Question...

    Hi!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond so kindly and thoroughly! To answer your questions, (I knew I'd forget a few things): Lye concentration: 33% I didn't subtract a water amount to account for the glycerin. I guess I should have? I premixed a bunch of micas...
  5. McLasz

    Recipe Question...

    Good Morning Soaping Friends! I have a few questions about a recipe and premixed micas, so here goes... I am a new-ish soaper with over 100 batches under my belt, which is still not enough! Don't get me wrong, I have had much success over the last few years(along with my fair share of failures...
  6. McLasz

    Quick, Easy Hinged Wood Mold - No Power Saws

    Just a kind word of caution about having your wood cut to “size” at a Home Depot type place. I was making a slab mold with my uncle this past summer and went to Home Depot for the wood. I had everything drawn out with a list of exactly what I needed each piece to be in terms of measurements...
  7. McLasz

    What are your favorite additives to put in soap?

    Thank you so very much!!! I was asking because I’ve been reading a ton on the internet and, as I said, I find conflicting information. Therefore I came to the forum to gather some advice from people that I respect as seasoned & experienced soapers as I thought that’s what the newbie threads are...
  8. McLasz

    What are your favorite additives to put in soap?

    Hi there! I’m wondering about your additives in regards to when and where you add them? And does milk powder help to prevent the heating of the batter like liquid coconut milk or goat milk? One more question- do you have to use white Tussaud’s silk or can it be a color? I’m guessing white is...
  9. McLasz

    Steep water discount questions

    Another soapmaking friend of mine also uses less water, she uses % which makes ZERO sense to me, so I'm not entirely sure how much water she is using. I'm having beers with her later this month and fully intend to ask her questions about it. Hi amd- Wondering if you ever had beers with your...
  10. McLasz

    The word association game

  11. McLasz

    Help please! Frustrated, Discouraged, but refusing to give up!

    After reading all of your thoughts and suggestions I am coming away with some mixed emotions. Thank you to those of you who have been supportive and understanding of the excitement that sometimes can take over and make a person want to do it all right out of the gate. Clearly that was me. I...
  12. McLasz

    Help please! Frustrated, Discouraged, but refusing to give up!

    OOPS- I didn't mean to double it. I thought I took it out of the other thread. Sorry about that.
  13. McLasz

    Help please! Frustrated, Discouraged, but refusing to give up!

    AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just about gave up last night after I made my third batch of soap ever. However, this morning what I'm really hoping is that this is my beginner soaping story that I will be able to tell years...
  14. McLasz

    Steep water discount questions

    Thank you for your responses and help. I just about gave up last night as I made my third batch using a 50/50 solution and adding the correct amount of extra water using the math that amd confirmed for me (learned it on soaping 101) and measuring my ingredients to the drop, it turned out to be a...
  15. McLasz

    Steep water discount questions

    Hi Again- Can someone tell me what the difference is between water discounting and lye discounting? When people can cut their bars after 6 hours in a mold, is that a steep water discount? Does it take less time to cure this way? Are there advantages to doing this? If I wanted to use a 50/50 lye...
  16. McLasz

    Pumice question

  17. McLasz

    Suggestions for Having Labels Printed & Design Help?

    Thank you so much everyone! I have lots of things to consider, but I like the idea of the cigar band... Now just to design. I just got a professional logo made so maybe I will create a label and post it for you all to see to get feedback? Thank you again!!!
  18. McLasz

    Is There Such a Thing as Wholesale???

    OK I get the idea. So we're all in the same boat. I guess it just is the way of the world these days. Just seems like the little guys don't get a break. But I can get over it because I still love what I do! Thank you all!
  19. McLasz

    Is There Such a Thing as Wholesale???

    Hi All! So, my question has to do with buying ingredients, or materials or whatever you want to call all of the things that go into making soap and bath products in general. Is there any such thing as wholesale prices on any supplies or things like labels if you're an actual business with tax...