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  1. 1

    Volcano in HP soap. Garbage or fixable?

    The random lump It's still sitting there! I haven't had time to deal with it. Pretty sure I will just put it in the burn barrel and send it on its way. There's a solid mass and then there's some watery stuff. I'm just not willing to experiment with it, even as laundry soap, since I really don't...
  2. 1

    Volcano in HP soap. Garbage or fixable?

    Thanks DeeAnna The second one sounds about right, DeeAnna. It was instantaneous to the point of leap out of the way! Hubby started poring the cold solution slowly, as he always does, and never even made it to pouring all of it in before the whole thing came whooshing out - oil and everything...
  3. 1

    Volcano in HP soap. Garbage or fixable?

    Thanks everyone! I never got to cooking it. The stuff just came spewing out of the pot the instant my husband put the cold lye solution in! The lump of whatever is sitting in our extra fridge at the moment. We will zap test it and then try recooking as suggested. From now on we will also...
  4. 1

    Volcano in HP soap. Garbage or fixable?

    Thanks to those who answered politely. Since I did not give details about what I know and how many batches of soap we have made, I did not feel it was appropriate to quickly jump to judgement. I was trying to be brief and to-the-point. I guess that backfired! - We use hot process because that...
  5. 1

    Volcano in HP soap. Garbage or fixable?

    What does selling have to do with it? Thanks for the - sort of - reply, Efficacious Gentleman. Not very gentlemanly, I must say. To answer your question we have 4 slow cookers. One for each of the scents we make. We use natural infusions and herbs that we are able to grow on our own ranch...
  6. 1

    Volcano in HP soap. Garbage or fixable?

    Hi everyone. We had a batch of HP soap go volcano on us. It was pretty scary. It happened just as my hubby was pouring the lye mixture in. Our thoughts are that the crockpot is defective and the low settings heats too high. The other three identical pots did not give us any trouble. We quickly...